photography | videography | graphic design
The rope bridge used by Tuco to get back into El Paso after Blondie abandons him in the desert
The bridge has long since collapsed and today leads up to the perimeter fence of Mini Hollywood (this photo was taken in 2010)
Below is the Taberna where The Colonel (Lee Van Cleef) bumps into The Hunchback (Klaus Kinsky) after previously lighting a match on his stubble (great scene - click on scene below) from Sergio Leone´s `For a Few Dollars More´
- The interior is a decrepit ruin in Tabernas - the exteria is a private house in Los Albaricoques.

Ruined remains of the taberna interior scene location
Actors names adorn the walls of this old building (graffiti)
Hard to believe this ruin is the same filming location
The bar is now gone - as is the roof and almost everything else

The exterior is in Los Albaricoques
Well, well - if it isn´t the smoker...

Hunchback dead. Lets do business
What are you doing here?
Don´t you trust me?...
This bar is now a ruin on the side of the road next to Mini Hollywood

Not far from Cortijo del fraile you find Cortijada del Higo Seco. Location for where Blondie fails to shoot the rope around Shorty's neck because Tuco has a gun to Blondies head with revenge on his mind for abandoning him in the desert
Indiana Jones & the last crusade

The video image is flipped to create the illusion of entrance and exit. It is the same place in both scenes

Actual view of the tunnel into the mountain

The tunnel entrance is the same as the tunnel exit. This view has been flipped horizontally in the movie, therefore the speed limit signs had to be reversed so they could be read correctly afterwards. The concrete arch has since collapsed or may have been fabricated solely for the scenes...

Model plane and tunnel - used for CGI as plane smashes into tunnel losing it´s wings

Derelict airstrip and control tower in Sierra Cabrera, used as part of the escaping the nazi airship scene in The Last Crusade

Torre Artillada de Mesa Roldan

In the movie How I Won the War it appears that Goodbody (Crawford) approaches the tower. However there is a 60 metre ravine between the jeep and the tower. Unless this rock has been quaried since 1967 the crew would have had to film from the other side of the ravine with a telephoto lens to force Goodbody closer to the tower.

Los Albaricoques & Cortijo del fraile

Entrance to the village of Los Albaricoques
aka Aguas Calientes

Information on some of the films that have
been filmed in Los Albaricoques

The pocket watch that chimes in the final duel in 'For a few dollars more'
See the clip below.

This fascinating building is located on a farm of 730 ha. This is a typical construction of large livestock farms which is built on one floor around a central courtyard. It has a chapel, bell tower, with 12 niches, burial chamber, furnaces, swineherd and cistern blocks . It belongs to a private company , thousands of people were demonstrating in protest against the state in which it is located. The Andalusian and City Council Níjar have mentioned their interest in the rehabilitation or acquisition of property.
It was built by the Dominican friars of Almeria in the eighteenth century , hence its name. It was known as the farmhouse of the stove because it contained a large oven to make bread in the central courtyard.
It is also famous for the crime that occurred in the vicinity, the so-called Nijar crime that took place on July 22, 1928 and inspired the work of Federico García Lorca entitled Bodas de Sangre.
Later, in the sixties, Sergio Leone used the building in many scenes for his Dollars trilogy movies.